i20fever - Overseas Educational Consultancy

Student Stories

Arizona State University

i20fever Team had been very professional and provided apt guidance with the scholarships, University options and admission procedure. Their experience helped in providing suggestions to improve the application with the University

Atchutch Reddy
Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla

i20fever helped me a lot in selecting good university and their service was up to the point. The guidance provided regarding visa was accurate and helped me secure my visa. I would like to thank them for being my advisors through my study abroad journey

Mani Teja
University of Cincinnati

Excellent people at i20fever, special thanks to team i20fever for guided me throughout the process & cleared all my doubts. Highly recommended to aspirant students

Oregon State University

The i20fever team and their reasonable services has always proved to be a supportive tool at every point of time throughout the process of getting into the desired University to fulfill my aspirations.

Keerthi Reddy
Indiana University Bloomington

i20fever has played a key role in the entire admission process to get into my dream universities. Their guidance has always been very effective, as I was unaware of many details during this process. I am very much contented with the friendly support provided by the staff